Our Story
We are a social enterprise in Northeast Arnhem Land, led by 'miyalk' (female) rangers, supporting homeland communities by creating natural personal care products inspired by traditional healing practices with native plants.
The Yirralka Miyalk work from decentralised ranger stations across the homelands of the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area in Northeast Arnhem Land. The IPA covers some 17,000km2, including 6,500km2 of sea country and 800kms of coastline.
Yirralka Miyalk
The Bush Product program began in 2011, with the miyalk (female) rangers using Yolŋu healing methods to utilise local native flora in a variety of personal care products.
This social enterprise enables Yolŋu Rangers to live and work from their homelands, staying connected to culture through the ongoing practice of Yolŋu healing.
Laynhapuy IPA
The Yirralka Rangers Manage the Laynhapuy IPA (Indigenous Protected Area) which covers some 17,000km2, including 6,500km2 of sea country and 800kms of coastline.
This map highlights the homelands in bold where our products are currently being made.