
Bäniyala or Yilpara is situated approx 200 kms from Yirrkala. Ancestral lands of the Maḏarrpa people. The community is nestled in the peaceful and beautiful surrounds of Blue Mud Bay.

Gäṉgaṉ is situated approx 200 km from Yirrkala. Ancestral lands of the Dhaḻwaŋu people. The riverside community is bound by strong and cohesive leadership working towards sustainable futures. Gäṉgaṉ is home to many world renowned artists.

Dhälinybuy is situated approx 80kms from Yirrkala. Ancestral lands of the Wangurri people.
A freshwater community on the banks of the Cato river. Dhälinybuy is home to some of most distinct weavers in North East Arnhem Land.