Our social enterprise was born out of the Yirralka Rangers program.

Since 2011 the Miyalk (women) rangers have dedicated a part of their djäma (work) to developing a range of personal care products by utilising their extensive ecological knowledge.

The products have been developed incorporating Yolŋu healing plants, backed by generations of knowledge and wisdom.

  • Ṉ Ä M B A R R A

    Ṉämbarra is used to treat cold and flu symptoms. When crushed, Ṉämbarra leaves release an invigorating and uplifting scent.

    Shop Ṉämbarra Range 
  • G A Ḏ A Y K A

    A significant Yolŋu plant with many uses. Used to treat various ailments including skin infections and skin sores. Gadayka hold anti-fungal properties.
    Gaḏayka holds antifungal properties.

    Shop Gaḏyka Range 
  • B U T J I R I Ŋ A N I Ŋ

    Known as the Yolŋu miracle plant. The leaves release a serum which is used to soothe aching muscles, skin aliments and inflammation.

    Shop Butjiriŋaniŋ Range