Our social enterprise was born out of the Yirralka Rangers program.

Since 2011 the Miyalk (women) rangers have dedicated a part of their djäma (work) to developing a range of personal care products by utilising their extensive ecological knowledge.

The products have been developed incorporating Yolŋu healing plants, backed by generations of knowledge and wisdom.

  • Ṉ Ä M B A R R A

    Ṉämbarra is used to treat cold and flu symptoms. When crushed, Ṉämbarra leaves release an invigorating and uplifting scent.

    Shop Ṉämbarra Range 
  • G A Ḏ A Y K A

    Gaḏayka is a significant Yolŋu plant with many different uses. Medicinally used to treat skin infections and other skin irritations.
    Gaḏayka holds antifungal properties which will leave your skin feeling fresh.

    Shop Gaḏyka Range 
  • B U T J I R I Ŋ A N I Ŋ

    Butjiriŋaniŋ has a wide range of healing properties. Oils released from this plant are known to treat sore & aching muscles, arthritis, stress and tension aches.

    Shop Butjiriŋaniŋ Range